Award winners in the 2024 Digital Projected Image of the Year:
1. "Approaching Platform 1" - Roger Pringle
2. "Coming To Land" - Homera Wood
3. "Snapping The Sunset" - Roger Pringle
Highly Commended: "Straw Bear Festival at Whittlesea" - Homera Wood
Commended: "Bubbles" - Homera Wood
Commended: "Dave" - Paul Nickerson
1. "Stopped At Red" - Derek Buckett
2. "Just Swell" - Philip Gott
3. "Ready To Go" - Stuart Irons
Highly Commended: "Herb Robert" - Philip Gott
Commended: "Headline" - Derek Buckett
Commended: "Colour and Shape" - Dorothy Rudkin
The judges were Peter Jones ARPS DPAGB and Sue Wilson DPAGB BPE3