Updated 18th January 2025

Meetings take place on Friday evenings in the

Desborough Community Library, High Street, Desborough NN14 2QS

(or occasionally via Zoom)

Meetings are from 7.30pm to 9.30pm.

Doors open at 7.15pm. 

Items in red are provisional, waiting to be confirmed

Items on a yellow background will be via Zoom



Calendar 2025

24 January

"East and West and In Between" - a Print talk by Graham Walton DPAGB

Have you sent your images for next week's DPI/PDI Heat 1 to Roger?

31 January

DPI/PDI Heat 1 - Judge: Alan Edwards

7 February


14 February

“100 Strangers” (PDI) by Steve Myall EFIAP, BPE5*

21 February

"Drone Photography" by the Harborough Welland U3A Drone Group

28 February

"The Little Print Show" - a Print talk by Jonathan Vaines LRPS CPAGB AFIAP

7 March

Print Heat 1 - Judge: David Belton

14 March

"An Introduction To Still Life Photography" by Alan Edwards (DPIs/PDIs)

21 March

Annual Meal

28 March

Members' Evening - 6 images on the theme of "Movement"

4 April

DPI/PDI Heat 2 -Judge TBA

11 April

15 Minutes of Fame - volunteers to Stuart please!

18 April

EASTER - no meeting

25 April

“The (photographic) Life of Brian" - a PDI presentation by Brian Sweeney,

for many years an active member of the Society

2 May

“Images of India" - a PDI presentation by David Steel DPAGB

9 May

East Anglia Federation Annual Exhibition (PDI/DPI)

16 May

"Away From The Beaches Of Tenerife And Majorca" by Peter Warne - a Zoom talk

23 May

“Macro Photography" by Bob Brind Surch

30 May

Print Heat 2 - Judge: TBA

6 June

“Faces And Places" - a Print talk by Gary Langley DPAGB

13 June

DPI/PDI Heat 3 Judge: TBA (on Zoom)

20 June

"My Personal Selection" - a Print Talk by Daphne Hanson DPAGB HonPAGB

27 June

Print Heat 3 - Judge: Alan Edwards

4 July

Outdoor Challenge - 15 images




5 September

"Route 66 - America's Main Street" (PDI) by David Steel DPAGB

12 September

Chairman's Challenge

19 September

Print Heat 4 - Judge: TBA

26 September

Results of the Outdoor Challenge

3 October

"Japan's Wildlife" - Peter Jones DPAGB and Sue Wilson DPAGB BPE3 (on Zoom)

10 October

DPI/PDI Heat 4 - Judge: TBA

17 October

MCPF Portfolio

24 October

Print Panel and Trio Competitions - Judge: TBA

31 October

"Jack Of All Trades" - Catherine Knee AFIAP

7 November

Print Of The Year - Judge: David Belton

14 November

An Evening With Barry Knott (Corby CC)

21 November

PDI/DPI Of The Year - Judge: David Steel

28 November

"African Dust Under My Feet - South Tanzania and the Massai Mara"


5 December

Christmas Social



Calendar 2026

2 January

Members' Evening - "Fill The Frame" (6 images)

9 January

An AV Evening with Stuart Irons

16 January

NEMPF 70th Annual Exhibition (AV of the Accepted Prints)

23 January

An Evening with Colin Bloor (Corby CC)

30 January

AGM (2027 events?)

6 February

PDI/DPI Heat 1 - Judge: TBA

13 February

"A Kenyan Experience" - Graham Neville CPAGB